Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Thought That Counts

As 2011 comes to a close, I am filled with gratitude for yet another year of good health and well-being – for myself, my husband, our friends and family, but most of all, for the health and well-being of our children.

Food allergies are certainly a challenge every day of the year. And it comes as no surprise that with all the joys of the season, also come increased opportunities for accidental exposures and reactions. Through what seems like an endless supply of goodie bags, party treats, cookie platters and more, I feel extremely fortunate that we have been able to navigate our way through yet another magical holiday with the help of some very special people.

To our wonderful grandparents, aunts & uncles, neighbors, classmates, teachers, friends and family, we thank you for all your kind and caring ways of providing fun and festive options that keep our daughter Mollie safe! At 8 years old, she may not fully realize that it’s not really about the special nut-free treats you take the time to prepare and plan ahead for her…. it’s ultimately about the fact that she matters. And that her safety is priority. And that her happiness is important.

When it comes to receiving gifts, I have always been taught it is the thought that counts. This sentiment could not be more true, and its meaning extends well beyond any wrapped trinket or toy she could ever receive.

So on behalf of Mollie, and food allergic kids everywhere, this is a special thank you… to anyone who has been thoughtful enough to read a label, make the effort, and find the extra time it takes to bring a smile to a special child’s face. I promise you, those are the kind of gifts that will be forever appreciated … throughout the holidays and always.
Wishing you peace, health and happiness in 2012!

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